
Basic Usage

The Mailvelope extension injects a script into the page to make its client-api accessible.
The window.mailvelope object will be an instance of the Mailvelope class, please refer to its methods for further documentation.



The event will be triggered once the window.mailvelope object is available.
Since the timing is not defined consumers will have to use the following method or something equivalent to reliably obtain a reference to the Mailvelope client-API.

(function() {

  function init() {
    if (typeof mailvelope !== 'undefined') {
    } else {
      window.addEventListener('mailvelope', mailvelopeLoaded, false);

  function mailvelopeLoaded() {
    // window.mailvelope object is available




The event is fired during an update of the extension. The auto-update mechanism of the browser can initiate the update at any time.
Existing Mailvelope containers on a consumer page are no longer functional after the update. The disconnect event can be used to inform users about potential data loss (only relevant for Mailvelope editor) and trigger a page reload.

window.addEventListener('mailvelope-disconnect', function(event) {
  // event.detail.version is the version of the updated extension
}, false);


The client-API uses the new ECMAScript 6 Promises. At the moment JSDoc does not have specialized support for this new
language feature, although adding support is in discussion. Due to this reason
we will use the @throws tag to document errors that should be expected in the rejection of a promise and will not actually
be thrown by the function returning the promise.